Friday, July 9, 2021

Saturday, July 10th

 My determination to write more in this blog has come unstuck already; it's been almost three weeks since I last scribbled a message.  In my defence, I might say that nothing much has happened in that twenty days, and that would be true, but a competent diarist should be able to finds something to say, even about nothing.  I've also been busy writing in  my Poetry blog and that's better than nothing.

Marilyn and I are in the habit of watching one of a plethora of UK quiz shows on the TV in the afternoon.  We find most of them on You tube but the availability is a bit random as it depends, I believe, on some nerd with nothing better to do, to capture the program from the TV, translate it into an appropriate format and upload it to Youtube for our enjoyment.  I gather there is some way he might get a modest income if people watch the shows but I have no idea how that works.

Our latest find is 'Only Connect', claimed to be the most difficult quiz show on TV.  The basic format is that contestants are asked to find the connection among four random items.  It is fiendishly difficult and, if I can get one right in a show, I'm delighted.  The presenter is Victoria Coren who, in her other life, is a professional poker player with a net worth of over 2 million pounds sterling, all earned at the poker table.

I picked up a book at the library called For Richer, for Poorer, the story of how she got started in this business.  A well brought-up English girl from a middle-class family, with a First class degree in English from Oxford, it seems is happiest when she is in a seedy, smoke-filled London gambling club or a glitzy, raucous, Las Vegas casino.