It was a big day today. Again, we woke early and were having our ¥349 breakfast by 7.30. We caught the bullet train to Nagoya and transferred to the Limited Express Hida for Takayama. I’ve been on this train once before when I first came to Japan with the students from Gib Gate. I have very clear memories of Takayama but had completely forgotten how beautiful the journey is, from the wide plains around Nagoya through narrow mountain valleys with stunning vistas on both sides.
Marilyn and I had taken books to read because it takes more than 2 hours to get there but we found that we couldn’t concentrate on reading because we kept getting distracted by something we saw out of the corner of our eyes.
When I came here in 1997, it was particularly to see the Festival and I can remember these extraordinary vehicles being manhandled by up to 40 men in traditional costumes. I’m sure I’ve told this story before but one of them stopped in front of our party and one fellow, who had had a drink or two, passed out little cups of sake to all our kids. It was all good until he discovered I was Kojo Sensei (Head Teacher) and he was very embarrassed at behaving so badly in front of such an eminent person. Somewhere I have a picture with this fellow’s arm around my shoulder, pointing at me in awe.
Somehow, the time got away and we had a late lunch before running to catch our train. It was 8.30 before we arrived back at the hotel, having had an exceptional 13 hours.
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