Saturday, January 28, 2017

Sunday, January 29

As a change from talking about Donald Trump, I feel like a little whinge about Barnaby Joyce. He only pops up on my horizon when something goes wrong but that seems to be quite often. Whether it's rorting his travel allowance to attend a colleague's wedding, or transferring a whole Government Department to boost his re-election prospects, he is no stranger to controversy. Maybe that's why he has become so irritated with the media lately. I've been tossing around, looking for the right word to describe his manner and I think irascible is the best I can come up with.

His latest comments underline his total lack of empathy for the difficulties faced by the people he is elected to lead. His solution to the problem of affordability of buying a house in a capital city? Move to Tamworth! That's only matched by Joe Hockey's advice to people wanting to buy a house: get a good job and earn a lot of money. Or, maybe, get a millionaire wife, as you did, Joe.

Barnaby's other zinger this week was to suggest that it would not be the end of the world if Donald Trump pulled the plug on the proposed deal to re-settle Manus Island refugees in the US. Maybe not for you, Barnaby, but what about the poor buggers who are stuck in that hell-hole? Or your leader, Malcolm, who is under increasing pressure to find some sort of solution to the mess your party has created. All Malcolm wanted for Christmas was a positive story. You're certainly not helping him get one.

Time to go, Barnaby. You are the weakest link.

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