Sunday, April 23, 2017

Monday, April 24

The brain is a strange mechanism and beavers away even when we are asleep. There's a famous story told about Samuel Taylor Coleridge who fell asleep after indulging in some opium and woke up with a vision of Xanadu, the capital city of Kublai Khan, and between 200 and 300 lines of poetry. He feverishly started to write them down but, before he finished, he was interrupted by a knock at the door. The moral of the story is to keep a notebook by your bed for the times when your brain throws up a great idea.

A website called will provide you with an illuminated notebook called a Nite Note so you can scribble down your thoughts without disturbing your partner.

I woke up this morning with my own revelation in my head. It's not Kublai Khan; it's not even poetry, but there's a certain elegance to the story. See what you think.

A group of soldiers is in a forest in Czechoslovakia, talking about one of their number who is going off to become an academic. One of them says, "It's one of our RIGHTS to be able to go to university."

The second says, "Everybody should do some study. It's one of the RITES of passage."

Another one says, "It's a good thing he WRITES well."

And the fourth one says, "As an academic, he'll be useless with his hands so will have to make friends with WHEEL-WRIGHTS and SHIP-WRIGHTS and so on."

Pathetic, isn't it, that my brain wastes all that valuable time with such rubbish.

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