Friday, February 21, 2025

Saturday, February 22

I have quite a comfortable routine in the morning.  Marilyn stays in bed for an extra half hour, leaving me to watch a couple of Youtube videos with my first coffee of the day.  I have some favourites: Steve, Scott, Ken, and so on, but this morning I was attracted to a snippet about Donald Trump.  How can the USian people tolerate this person?  Nothing he says makes any sense.  The clip I watched showed a public meeting where the audience attacked the moderator who dared to ask questions about Trump's competency.  

There seems to be a whole new understanding of right and wrong.  I don't know who coined the term 'post-truth' but we are certainly living in a world of 'alternative facts', where we can all make up our own mind about what 'true' means.  

Stop the world, I want to get off.  At least I know that Anthony Newley had something to do with that phrase, and that's the truth.

Yesterday, Marilyn had to go in for her check-up following her eye operation.  I dropped her off, found a shaded spot in the carpark and opened my book.  After a while I found myself getting peckish but there were no shops nearby and I had brought nothing to eat with me.  I scrabbled around in the glovebox and the little console between the front seats .. and found a little packet of jellybeans.  They looked a little the worse for wear so I checked the Use By date.  2018.  That's alright: jellybeans are full of sugar and that doesn't go off, so they should be OK.  I chose a red one ... not my favourite colour but it looked to be the most appetising. 

But it was horrible .. hard and with a strange flavour.  I decided to spit out the last little bit and spread the rest of the packet on the grass near the carpark.  I hope they don't affect the local rabbits who are scrounging for a feed.

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