Thursday, January 26, 2017

Friday, January 27

It's been a while since I wrote on my blog. Of course, it's been a busy time as we made a quick decision after Christmas that we would move house. Leaving our little cottage at Dilston was necessary but the house we moved into in Launceston was not a long-term solution. So, here we are, back in Deloraine and, already, we are caught up in the busy social life which this little town offers.

Yesterday, we left the big smoke of Deloraine to have an Australia Day breakfast at Chudleigh, about 20 minutes down the road. What an extraordinary event! There were about 400 people there, all celebrating life in Australia and enjoying a terrific breakfast. This event has been going for years and seems to get bigger all the time. All the locals get involved in the organisation but the participants come from far and wide.

Happily, there was no jingoistic display of national fervour. A little girl sang the national anthem and the servers had Australian flag aprons but there were no faces painted in red, white and blue and no Oi! Oi, Oi!, just a motley group of people celebrating their good fortune in living in a country like Australia. Just think, if our parents had chosen to slip across the Atlantic to the US, instead of the long voyage to the antipodes, we might be having to deal with The Donald and the American style of national pride. Certainly, we have a lot to be thankful for.

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