Wednesday, October 2, 2019

October 2

After five years, Nera was eventually invited to accept Australian citizenship and it was great that her mother and sister were here to witness it. It was a terrific occasion: 99 people were to be given their certificates, from 33 countries, including Chile, Russia and Iran. Many dressed in the traditional costume of their native countries, others had already become fully westernized.

The mayor made a welcoming speech and carried out the expected ritual and the local MP read a message from the relevant  Minister.  A brave representative from the Migrant Resource Centre was given the task of reading out all the extraordinary names, and she did a remarkable job.

Groups such as Launceston Rotary, Red Cross and the Good Neighbour Council had gifts for all the new citizens, and the morning tea included scones.  I think it's fair to say that the average Australian does immigration well.  It's a shame that politicians have to weaponise it.

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