Saturday, January 4, 2020

Sunday, January 5th (2)

Jamie and Nera flew off to the Philippines on Christmas Eve to attend her youngest sister's wedding.  Kisia Mae in on the local council of their area, so is something of a celebrity.  The wedding was a grand affair and attracted much attention, even getting a mention on the Philippines equivalent of Good Morning Australia.

Nera will stay there until later in the month but Jamie has already come back.  He is enjoying his new job and doesn't want to adversely affect his clients.  Marilyn and I have moved in to their house in Hadspen to keep Jamie company and to enjoy the extra space, and their new 75 inch TV set!  There are a few movies we want to see and the giant screen is almost like being at the movies - without the smell of popcorn.

We had a small fire opposite our house at Dilston the other evening.  There were a couple of fire trucks from the local brigade there, and a helicopter dropped a couple of buckets of seawater on it, so it didn't come to much.  However, there was a note in our letterbox to alert us to the fact that this fire and a couple more had been started by 'fire-bugs'.  I can't get my head around what would possess someone to put property and lives at risk by starting a fire, and I can't imagine what sentence would be appropriate if and when they are caught.

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