Thursday, February 25, 2016

Friday, February 26

What a disappointment our PM has turned out to be.  Having started with great promise and an extraordinary level of goodwill, he has squandered it all in just a few months.  With all the talk of Government for the 21st century and Tax Reform, he has achieved nothing.  His motley crew of backbenchers are more concerned about their own jobs and won't allow the hard decisions to be made.  If a decision might be mildly unpopular with some of the community, it's off the table.  It's no good blaming the Senate. Julia Gillard, with a similarly hostile Senate managed to get through over 600 pieces of significant legislation; Malcolm has passed almost none.

I wonder whether Australia is becoming ungovernable, like America.  No matter how worthy the President's ambitions, the Congress blocks everything.  In Australia, it's the Liberal backbench, at the moment, who are blocking progress.  But nobody on either side seems to have any vision.  Whoever, we elect is unlikely to have the will to face up to the hard decisions so what's the point of re-electing this mob.  Selection Committees on both sides of politics need to look for some better talent, and not just career-oriented time-servers. Maybe we should have some performance criteria for politicians like in other jobs, some measureable outcomes that have to be met before they can stand again.  

Well, our X-Files set has arrived and we've started to watch them.  The first episodes were made in late 1993, and it shows.  Big hair and shoulder pads are the order of the day.  Come to think of it, big hair is still the big thing in America.

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