Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Wednesday, February 17

I've put a few kilometres on the car over the past few days, with three trips to Deloraine already, and another one tonight.  This tends to happen once a month when various meetings coincide and it's not a conjunction that I look forward to.  A round trip to Deloraine is about 140 Km and, although I can do it one way in about 45 minutes, it's still a pain.

Next month will be my last meeting as Probus chairman.  I've been in the chair for two years and it's someone else's turn now.  If I'm honest, I will say that I have enjoyed the job and we've had some very interesting guest speakers.  For some reason, we seem to get more than our share of people talking about health issues or aged care but that seems to be what interests our members.  Yesterday, we celebrated the birthday of a 90-year old and I read out a letter from a 99-year old who doesn't come to meetings any more (maybe because he lives in NSW now).

Bemused to hear that Barnaby is now our Deputy PM, a heartbeat away from being our  Dear Leader.  I certainly hope Malcolm continues to enjoy good health.  

I watched a very interesting film the other day: Kingsman, Secret Service.  It's a spoof on James Bond and celebrates the Gentleman Spy, with a focus on the gadgets which were a feature of the early-Bond.  Great escapism.  

We're still planning our holidays for later this year.  We'll certainly be in the Philippines for a month or two but haven't pinned down when that will be and whether we tie it in with a cruise as we did in August.  Japan is also calling with pretty good fares being offered but accommodation is always the killer there.  This morning I'm going to investigate whether we can use our timeshare points as we did once before.  There are a few few options in Nagoya which would suit us well.

Marilyn's having a lie-in.  She's finding the baby-sitting tiring but she doesn't have to show up till about 12 today so she's taking the chance to have a late start.  The children's grandmother arrives from the Philippines today so that will take the pressure off.  

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