Sunday, January 30, 2022

Monday, January 31


I’m writing this little bit of trivia on a very nice MacBook Air.  I’ve always been a fan of Apple computers but as their price rose over the years, I had to move my allegiance to the Windows system.  Of course, there’s nothing wrong with Windows but, there’s an elegance about Apple which stands out.  Those extra few hundred dollars on the price give the manufacturers something to work with.


I was whinging a few weeks ago that my HP desktop was showing signs of age.  I’d had it a few years and there’s clearly a built-in obsolence with these things which meant it was time for a replacement.  I accepted the intellectual arguments that everything needs to be replaced sometime but I knew that the new model I purchased would be no more exciting than the one I was condemning to the tip.


That’s what it was about, I realised.  I didn’t want more of the same – a cheaply built, minimally featured workhorse.  I wanted a top-of-the-range thoroughbred that I could stroke sensually and feel …. No, I’m getting silly!


Nera said she had just been given a new laptop by her employer and the Macbook she had been using was available.  Maybe, I’d like to try it out.  If I liked it, she was sure we could pick one up second-hand.  She had bought hers, for a few hundred dollars, from a school which was upgrading and that was happening all the time.  I was unsure; I had my heart set on a desktop but as soon as I saw the machine, I was hooked.


Apple think a lot about presentation.  It’s sleek and silver and seems to purr as it sits on the desk.  It’s often said about Macs that they just work.  This one has a keyboard that’s a delight to use, the screen is clear and the functionality is perfect.  It’s taken a little bit of time to get used to but I’m hooked.


Nera hasn’t asked for it back yet but we’ll cross that bridge when we come to it.

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