Friday, August 12, 2022

Saturday, August 13

Jamie dropped Archie off this morning for us to look after.  He and Nera are going fishing and it's not fair for Archie to be tied up while they're enjoying themselves and he knew we wouldn't complain. 

What I am anxious about is that he gave us an ultimatum to get rid of the stuff we have stored in his garage.  They have plans to do something with the big space and our stuff will have to go.  Do we rent a storage shed and put off the decision to another time, or do we bite the bullet now and make a trip to the tip?

There's stuff like the wheelchair I bought when I had my knee done, and a pair of crutches of about the same age.  There's a box of music which Marilyn had gathered from her time as a piano teacher. There are at least three mantelpiece clocks: from my Mum, from Marilyn's Mum and from her Gran.  I think there might be about a dozen large plastic boxes full of STUFF!

Because our garage doubles as the laundry, there's no room there so I need to look outside

I could buy a bigger garden shed but we have nowhere on our little block to put it. We do have a little garden shed but it's got gardening stuff in it; however, I think that might be the place to start: remove the shelves, discard anything I'm saving in case I need it, and shove what we can't bear to part with up in the corner.  I wonder if there's any more room under the bed?

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