Friday, August 5, 2022

Saturday, August 6

I generally browse the news headlines each morning with glazed eyes: so few of them have any personal reference to me.  However, this morning, the online ABC site had an update on a story from 2017 about a fellow who disappeared in Tasmania while bushwalking alone.  He happened to be a teacher from Launceston Grammar whom Marilyn knew quite well.

He was walking with his dog on a well-marked track he and his family used often.  When he didn't return and people went looking, they found his dog but there was no sign of Bruce.  It came out that he had started to suffer from Parkinson's and this threw up suggestions that he had decided to end his life.  But, would he have left his dog to wander around on its own?

Almost five years on and there has been no sign of him.  His wife is concerned that, without proof of death, she can't get on with her life.  She now wants to sell their home but can't without his signature, or a death certificate, which she can't obtain until he has been missing for 7 years and can be presumed dead.  It will be more than two years before she can move on and until then is is in limbo, without a husband but not yet officially widowed.

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