Sunday, February 12, 2023

Monday, February 13

Well, my eightieth birthday party was not as stressful as I thought, except I feel that  Marilyn worked too hard to make sure everything went well.  We wanted to have it at home so that limited the number we could invite and I think there were about 30 in all.  Jamie had set up the garage as a second sitting area and  people moved around and joined in different groups.

It was interesting because, as well as our Australian friends, there were lots of filipinos including the ones I had sponsored to work at Giant Steps, and other friends we have made through Nera's contacts.  The food was wonderful; what Marilyn had prepared and the traditional filipino dishes brought to share.  I hadn't expected gifts but I did acquire some good whisky and a bottle of a better-than-average port among other interesting items.

I was, of course, expected to make a speech and there were audible groans when I took my sheet of notes out of my pocket; clearly people, were expecting that I would ramble on too long.  It really doesn't matter how well I prepare for making a speech, it never comes out quite as I expect.  Apparently, Nera recorded it on her 'phone so I don't know what will happen to it.  It might even end up on Facebook.

I noticed this morning that a photograph of my cake has been posted on Facebook for all to see.  I might investigate whether I can re-post it so that more people can see it.

So, I'm now, officially, an old codger.  I will need to work at filling that role: expressing strong opinions on everything, complaining about the younger generation, demanding attention, and so on.  I might even enjoy it.

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