Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Wednesday, February 15

It's around 10am, I've been to the gym, showered and dressed in anticipation of going out to carry out some chores while Marilyn is at the hairdresser.  But, we can't go yet; we have to wait for the cleaning lady to arrive so Marilyn can give her some new instructions.  There's still evidence of my recent party around, especially a huge bunch of helium-filled balloons attached to a weight and hovering ominously near the front door.  Jamie was told they would last a day or so and, on Day 4, some have gone down but the very large one, about 80cm in diameter is still going strong.  When will it ever end?

I've had a few emails about my birthday including one interesting one from OS which included a string of previous emails associated with the one to me.  The first was from Facebook, alerting my friend's wife that John was having a birthday, the next was from her to my friend, telling him what was happening, and the third was the actual email to me.  It's good to know that Facebook is fulfilling such an important role, making sure that no important date is overlooked.  The interesting thing is that the wife emailed her husband to alert him.  What is that about?  Aren't they talking?  Do they live in different houses?  Is it a new communication trend that I've missed. Maybe I should ask him ... but, no, maybe not.

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