Friday, December 20, 2024

Saturday. December 21

We had to pop up the shops this morning for one or two items and we noticed that our little supermarket is getting geared up for the Christmas rush.  There are many new, specialist products so they make space for them by putting display boxes in the middle of the aisles. At the same time, they bring in extra staff to look after the extra customers and, to keep them busy, they have them re-stacking shelves,  The process for that is to get a 6 foot-tall trolley, loaded with products, then push it to the area where the re-stocking is needed and plonk it in the middle of the aisle while you laboriously move individual items to the appropriate shelf.

The customers also have their part to play.  The secret is, when you have to pause to take something from the shelf, make sure you place your trolley at right angles to the flow of traffic so that you impede everyone's passage.  Oh, and even if you only want one or two small items, still take a trolley.  If you're a Mum, make sure you bring all your kids with you; maybe borrow one or two from the neighbours as well.  Prime them up to ask loudly for all the bright, shiny things they see but make sure you buy them nothing to keep their complaining at the highest possible level.

Christmas after all, is the happiest time of the year.

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