Saturday, March 14, 2015

Saturday, March 14

Dry land, at last!  We're anchored in Champagne Bay and the tenders are plying back and forth between the ship and the beach.  It's a grey day and a bit rainy.  We haven't bothered going ashore; we're set up in the a Solarium with the pool and coffee shop nearby.  What more could you want?

There's not much on the day's program which interests us; it seems that more and more activities come at a cost: Make your own martini $17, and so on.  And everything is in US dollars so a $12 glass of indifferent Sav Blanc in fact cost $16.  It's enough to drive a man to drink, if he could afford it.

Today's Bingo session was held in pyjamas.  We were tempted to check it out but really didn't feel strong enough.  

The entertainment last night was a so-so comedian, trying hard to be family-friendly but having to revert to suggestive, nudge nudge, wink wink to get a laugh.  Tonight it's Country and Western so we'll be back to our own movies.  No problem.

Everything is terrific but we noted one nasty piece of gratuitous racism.  A woman asked for something at the coffee shop counter.  As the young Asian girl serving reached for it, the customer gabbled something about microwave.  I didn't understand what she was saying and neither did the crew member who said, 'Pardon?'  The customer huffed, turned to her friend and said loudly, 'It's a nightmare.  Why don't they employ people who can speak English?'  Happily, it seems to be an isolated incident.  The crew are great and the passengers seem to respond very well to them, but there's always someone who lets the team down.

There's a rumour sweeping the ship that the captain has decided to head straight back to Australia, in fact to Newcastle then Sydney.  Certainly, there's been a bit of damage caused by Pam but surely there are other places we could go ... anywhere but Newcastle!  We won't get a Captains's Announcement until this evening and perhaps we'll know more then.

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