Saturday, June 4, 2016

Sunday, June 5

Like a lot of the east coast of Australia, Tasmania is in the midst of a wet and windy winter's day.  It's the sort of day that made the pioneers hunker down in their log cabins to wait until the weather improved and they could go about their chores.

But, like so many movies about survival in the Wild West, we found ourselves faced with the need for a rescue mission.  A message was received that our grand-daughter and her new-born child were in dire need of a relief package.  There was no alternative;  a volunteer was required to go bravely into the storm to deliver the care package of home-made soup and bread to Madeleine and Macie.

We knew that creeks and rivers were flooded, trees had fallen across roads, highways were blocked but the thought of the dangers ahead made no difference to the courageous resolve of the one who drew the short straw - me.

I rugged myself up and set off into the gale .... Oh, well, to cut a long (and silly) story short, Madi and Macie were terrific.  Macie slept for 6 hours last night and is turning out to be a very placid and contented baby.  Fingers crossed!

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