Monday, December 5, 2016

Tuesday, December 6

Well, our hard-working politicians have all gone home for their summer break and for many it's a chance to catch up on their reading. You wouldn't think that anyone would be interested in what they choose, although, if they had a preference for Lolita of Lady Chatterley's Lover, we might raise an eyebrow.

I suppose it's a good thing that our pollies read, and that should be encouraged, but do we have to buy their books for them? Surely they could use public libraries like the rest of us. Or maybe we could get them a cheap ebook reader and download what they fancy.

George Brandis, of course, takes maximum advantage of this perk. We built him a bookcase for his office at a cost of $15000 then, when he moved offices, we had to build him another one because the original was too large to move. No IKEA modular for George! And he is assiduously making every effort to fill the shelves, at our expense.

Among the purchases George has made, and we have paid for, this year is a collection about the ill-fated Abbott government. The collection includes Credlin and Co by Aaron Patrick, Road to Ruin by Nikki Sava and the wonderfully named The Short and Excruciatingly Embarrassing Reign of Captain Abbott by Andrew Street. They're all in our local library and available to borrow for nothing.

George was a Senior Minister in that government which is pretty well rubbished by the books so I can't imagine he will enjoy his holiday reading.

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