Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Wednesday, December 14 (2)

One of the things we missed at Dilston was not getting catalogues in our letter-box. It's a small thing, I know, but catalogues keep you abreast of how much things cost and what is trending in the commercial world. Years ago, JB HiFi and Harvey Norman were full of ads for laptop computers; now it's Fitbit bracelets and Smart Watches. They're not cheap but clearly some people can't live without them.

Now that we're living in Newnham, I can't believe how many catalogues arrive every week, so many that I've got over the idea and they go straight into the bin.

The other things that I used to enjoy but now find a nuisance are free magazines. We get them every month from Rotary and Probus, RACT and National Seniors. We get something called Prime Time and various others from odd places. Even Princess Cruises sends a glossy booklet every few weeks. Again, I'm bored with them. Once upon a time they had informative articles; now they're full of ads for holidays. Everything's marketing nowadays, isn't it!

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