Friday, June 26, 2020

Saturday, 27th June

Yesterday was the deadline for the buyer of our house to secure his finance but we heard on Thursday evening that his bank had said No.  That, of course, has real implications for us.  One option might be to give the fellow more time to go to another bank but it's unlikely he would be more successful the second time around.  I blame it on the Banking Royal Commission which put an end to banks throwing money at anyone who asked.  Being responsible lenders is all very well but it has repercussions on those of us who have other plans.

The agent, Matt, said "Don't worry' because that's his job and contacted the prospective buyer he had always said was waiting in the wings.  Apparently, she has cash but, unfortunately, she lives in Adelaide and is not keen to buy something she hasn't seen - the proverbial pig in a poke.  We're not sure when the Tasmanian borders will open again so she can't just fly in to have a look..However, she has a local friend who is coming this afternoon and will report back on her impressions.

If all else fails, we will put the house back on the market and see what eventuates.  Whatever happens, though, we will have to let our offer on the unit in Longford lapse.  We only have until Tuesday to have our ducks in a row and there is no possible chance of everything being finalised in that short time.

No matter, there are plenty of other properties out there and we're confident something will pop up.

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