Thursday, February 23, 2023

Friday, February 24

I get very tired of people trying to improve me.  Every time I open the internet I'm faced with advice about how I should think and advertisements for 'stuff' which will be to my advantage.  I have a Facebook 'friend' who sends me videos headed "every Australian should read this".  Why?  So that we poor benighted ignoramuses will start to believe what he does.

His latest campaign is to get me to watch a video about the proposed Voice to Parliament.  I refuse to open it.  I am quite capable of making up my own mind without  the rantings of some know-it-all.  I've no idea whether it emphasises one side or the other; the point is I want to be left alone to decide what I need to know.

This morning there was a knock on the door: a middle-aged woman wanting to talk to me about God.  I thanked her but 'not interested'.  She offered me some pamphlets which I refused ... politely.  Later, I found them in my letter box.  The arrogance of it!  She knows best what's good for me!  I won't be so polite next time.

1 comment:

  1. My flatmate in Brisbane , Justin from our band at the time used to take his clothes off and answer the door in his underpants. That was a surefire way to get rid of the Mormens back in the 90s.. I woudlnt recommend it these days
