Saturday, September 17, 2011

Sunday, September 18th …..

September is a month for birthdays. Madeleine’s is the 14th, our friend Kit from Calamba is the 16th and our friend Siaren’s was yesterday. This was also her first wedding anniversary. It seems forever since we were in the Philippines enjoying that wedding and all the other adventures we had arranged for us.

We were disappointed we didn’t see Madi for her birthday but she was here in Tassie just a little while ago and that was great. We talk to her regularly on the ‘phone and she keeps us up to date with what she is doing. This is the most recent photograph we have of her. The hair, of course, is not her natural colour but a good reflection of her individuality. She turned 16 this week.

Even though there are some quite nice birds around the house, we haven’t been able to attract the beautiful parrots which occasionally fly by. There is a bird feeder near the front door and we’ve been putting out seeds, but nobody seemed interested. However, this week we’ve turned a corner and we have parrots coming and going all day lone. What made the difference, you ask? Well, Jamie decided to encourage some grass to grow on an area we had levelled when the excavator was here.

Within hours, parrots from all around descended on us, pinching the grass seeds which Jamie had spread around. We took the opportunity to put out a few more handsful on the feeder and that’s now been discovered as well. There are two main groups: Eastern Rosellas and Green Rosellas. They stick to their own kind but it’s not unusual for both species to feed together. They’re a spectacular sight when they come in their numbers.

We’ve also been busy with more improvements to the cottage. I’m not able to do much but I can hold a piece of wood while Jamie cuts it so we’ve managed to put up some handrails on the front verandah. Jamie has been buying the odd tool so we’re starting to have the capacity to attempt various jobs around the place. It’s typical that, with so many jobs to be done, I’ll be out of action for a few weeks yet. But, at least I can put on my hat and offer encouragement while Jamie does the work.

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