Sunday, August 4, 2013

Monday, August 5th ....

There's snow all around the Tiers this morning. I had to go out early to drop something off at Giant Steps and was amused to see one of the patients standing outside Deloraine Hospital having a smoke, dressing gown, bare legs, slippers, thin cardigan. You have to be prepared to make sacrifices if you want to smoke nowadays.

Bottle-washing today. We've had to 'recover' a bit of wine which was probably bottled before fermentation had completely stopped. It had become 'spritzig' which lots so people like but not what we want. So it's gone back into a vat for more filtering. We can't afford to throw out all the bottles so they're being recycled. Jamie cuts off the aluminium foil top, and I clean the bottles with caustic soda and lots of hot water. The blueberry wine has stained all the bottles so we need to remove that with the caustic soda before rinsing and sterilisation.

On Saturday I was using a pair of faulty rubber gloves and now have a nasty caustic soda burn on two of my fingers. Occupational hazard!

1 comment:

  1. I would have thought that hangovers were more of an occupational hazard???
