Thursday, December 5, 2013

Friday, December 6th ....

The end is in sight and Marilyn has already packed her bag. I'm avoiding that task but will have to get on to it some time this afternoon. There's a matinee performance in the theatre at 1.30 but there should be plenty of time after that. Again, there's a crowd of people around the shops. Yesterday, there was to be another sale of watches in the evening but we couldn't sail until after 11pm so the sale was postponed until today. It's the third time that watches have been promoted but there seems to be as much demand no as there ever was.

We sailed late because the wind was too strong for us to get out of Port Philip Bay safely. Apparently, there are only a certain number of channels and the one allocated to us was too narrow to be used in windy conditions. The captain has put on a bit of speed and we are still expected to arrive in Sydney on time at 6am.

Last night's performers were the Aussie Boys, obviously based on the Jersey Boys but singing only Australian songs. I suspect it was one of these manufactured groups put together by a management company to fill a perceived niche. The Boys in the Band from the other night was very similar. The three young men were dressed in suits, like the Jersey Boys, but with no ties. Surprisingly, two of them had Roger David bum-freezers but the third one had a very nicely-cut suit which looked quite expensive. Not a very important observation but makes you think.

Later in the evening was The Quest! We first came across this on the Legend of the Seas. It's an adults-only scavenger hunt. The audience is divided into eight teams. Each team selects a male and a female captain. The cruise director calls out, one at a time, what they have to find: two business cards, five belts strung together, three different-coloured shoe laces, and so. It's hilarious as each team scrambles around trying to find the objects within the group. It gets even more hilarious when he asks for 2 men in the same pair of trousers, or five bras. No inhibitions here. One task was to provide the most unusual trick using the human body. One fellow claimed he could dislocate his hip, another turned his eyelids inside out. Our team won that quest because one of our team could wrap her legs behind her head. Creepy! We finished up by transforming one of our male team into a female, no trousers, accessorised, and made up. Just like the Footy Show. Why do some men enjoy pretending to be ugly women?

Our team won, by the way.

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