Sunday, December 22, 2013

Monday, December 23rd .....

There's at least one family who will have a miserable Christmas. A husband and wife were on the Rhapsody of the Seas on their way to Noumea at the end of last week, when the man fell overboard about 2 o'clock in the morning. His body was noticed in the water about 6 hours later. It's not as rare as you think, falling overboard. Another man dived from the rail of the Sun Princess in May, after an argument with his wife about where to have dinner. And, two Australians disappeared from a cruise ship in Boston Harbour recently. They might have to make wearing life jackets compulsory if this trend continues.

Listening to the radio this morning, and the announcer was lamenting about the demise of backyard cricket. Apparently, it's not because today's kids are bone-lazy and more interested in computer games; rather, it's because of the disappearance of backyards. As land becomes more expensive and houses bigger, back yards shrink. The special guests to comment on this phenomenon was an architect and, wait for it, the Director of the Institute for Backyard Studies. Ta-ra!

What an absolutely amazing find! The Institute for Backyard Studies was formed to explore Shed Culture and other themes of Blokiness. It makes short films, researches eccentric blokes (like Henry Hoke who invented the wooden magnet and the shearer's pizzle guard) and develops useless machines like the smoke ring generator unveiled at a recent expo at Carlton. Check out their website. I hope they get into education. If they ever start awarding degrees, the bloke who failed his MBA from Harvard might still,qualify for the MBS (Master of Backyard Studies). Apparently, the first principle of Shed culture is 'Never Throw Anything Out.'

The attached photo shows the inimitable Barry Morgan surrounded by a smoke ring.

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