Friday, October 7, 2016

Saturday, October 7

I've been very lazy over the past couple of weeks and there has been so much to write about. Donald Trump lurches from one idiocy to another, but nothing seems to faze his followers, proving that you can certainly fool a lot of the people a lot of the time.

Malcolm Turnbull continues to unravel, and George Christensen is enjoying his time in the sun, making every post a winner. This fellow was only elected with a few thousand votes yet he promotes his minority point of view as if he had the backing of the whole country.

The blackout in South Australia encouraged a few die-hards to show their true colours. For a while now, the bi-partisan mantra has been 'renewables good' but some couldn't resist the opportunity to use the disaster to spout their own reactionary ideas.

Sam Dastyari leaves under a cloud, Stephen Conroy leaves under cover of darkness and Stuart Robert goes on his merry unethical way. Wyatt Roy returns from his Boy's Own Adventure and seems surprised at all the fuss.

I enjoyed Howard on Menzies but was disappointed with how superficial it all was, very polite and respectful with not enough made of his 'British-to-the-bootstraps' manner or his shameful decision to go into the Vietnam War. I can't remember whether his nickname, 'Pig-iron Bob' was even mentioned. Growing up in Wollongong, I was aware of that epithet from a very early age.

This week, we've been delighted with the antics of a handful of well-heeled, well-educated louts reinforcing Australia's reputation as a nation of hard-drinking louts. These are not stupid kids; they're all in their late-20s and should have more sense and respect. The worrying thing is some have their sights on a political career. One is already a Senior Advisor to Christopher Pyne, a position that was created especially for him!

Just think, in 20 years time, we'll be faced with Wyatt Roy as PM and the Budgy Nine on the front bench. Maybe Stuart Robert will be Speaker of the House.

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