Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Thursday, March 2

It's Marilyn's birthday today and I think she's trying to avoid it by not getting out of bed. It's 9.13am and she still hasn't opened her eyes, which is unusual for someone who has been an early riser all her life. Maybe this is how it's going to be in future, letting life slow down and taking time to smell the roses.

I was up at 7 as usual, switching on the TV to see what new idiocies Donald Trump has visited upon the world, and how much deeper our own inept government has sunk into the mire.

I'm starting to get a bit worried about democracy. I know it's better than the alternatives but we're going to have to tidy it up a bit. All around the world, the system has been hijacked by crooks and chancers, and is being run for the benefit of even bigger crooks. Maybe we could start by making it a criminal offence when politicians rort their expenses. And make it an offence to say one thing before an election and do something after. A term in goal will certainly help to concentrate the mind.

And I wonder about the wisdom of letting everyone vote. Far be it from me to be elitist, but too many people only vote because they don't want to get fined; others vote for the shallowest of reasons. Maybe it's time to ditch compulsory voting, make voting the privilege it should be and then only those who are interested will take the trouble to turn up.

Politicians have become so cynical they will say anything to hold their positions and they are being enabled by media moguls and shock jocks who have all the power but none of the responsibility. People who are not really interested in the political process are at the mercy of these manipulators.

It's time to drain the swamp.

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