Monday, September 23, 2019

Monday, September 23

Marilyn and Robyn went off to the pictures this morning to see Downton Abbey while I stayed home to catch up with my on-line study course.  They suggest I allocate three hours each week to the course but it takes more than that just to read the comments of the other students, many of which are just random thoughts which they seem to think are worth sharing (something like this blog, in fact).

The movie started late and was quite long so we ended up with a late lunch.  With nothing else arranged, I chose another movie to watch - The Green Book.  I knew it had won the Academy Award but had mixed reviews.  No matter, we enjoyed it.

Marilyn said she wanted to watch a movie with Helen Mirren and we found Collateral Beauty.  It also had Will Smith, Keira Knightley and Kate Winslett so there were lots of familiar faces., which is always reassuring. And we enjoyed that one too.

Not a very productive day, but enjoyable, nevertheless.

I had a look at the Step Count app on my phone to see how much ground I had covered on Monday - 10327!  That's the highest it's been for a long time and compares with the 3540 I did on Saturday.  The count is not always a realistic figure because I don't carry the phone all the time so most of my daily wandering go unnoticed.  Yesterday was a good example of that.  It was a fairly normal day with usual trips between rooms and a brief sojourn outside but my count was only 25.  I've decided I'll only acknowledge counts over 3000 and put the lower figures down to counting errors.

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