Saturday, November 13, 2021

Sunday, November 14


Today was the first day for a long time that we’ve been able to spend a full day at home.  I wrote a little bit, read a little bit, watched a little bit of youtube and drank a few cups of coffee.  We were looking after Archie but he was content to spend most of the day in his basket with the occasional excursion to the yard to do his business.  We had a pet door put into the screen door when we ordered it and Archie has taken to using it with great aplomb.


One of our friends from Probus rang me to talk about an idea he has to organise bus trips for members.  It’s a great idea, I’m sure, but I can’t get enthused about it.  At the moment we all take our own cars for our visits but he thinks we can do better.  He has visions of people changing their seats regularly on a bus to have someone else to talk to but I’m not a fan of enforcing connections like that.


He was with us one time on a trip to the Philippines where we hired a bus to carry our small group to the rice terraces in the north of Luzon.  He became quite annoyed when Marilyn and I refused to play the game and insisted on sitting with each other.


Deep down, I know he is right and one of the aims of Probus is to encourage friendships and to provide support for anyone who has lost a partner, but I know I’m not a social animal and am happy to leave that responsibility to someone else.


I’m reading a book at the moment called Diamond and the Eye by Peter Lovesey.  It’s Book 20 in a series about a police detective who lives in Bath in England.  The background is interesting and I enjoy reading about the various historic sights and the famous people who lived there.  Both Marilyn and I enjoy series, seeing how the characters develop and how their lives change.  We each go through two or three books a week; thank goodness for the library.

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