Saturday, November 6, 2021

Sunday, November 7th


We had an interesting visitor the other day: the young man who bought our house in Dilston happened to be in our street and saw me taking in the garbage bins.  He followed my tracks and rang the doorbell.  It turns out he has bought the house opposite us and was settling in a new tenant.  It’s just 12 months since he bought Sherborne Drive and he is already on his next purchase.  He is certainly a young man in a hurry.


It was good to see him and hear of the changes he’s made to the Dilston House.  He’s started to fence it so he can run a few sheep to keep the grass down, he’s brought in a new driveway from the side street and is levelling an area to build a bigger shed.  He tells us he and his girlfriend are selling their house to buy a bigger property at Lilydale just to the north of Launceston.  They will live there, his parents will move down from Victoria and live in the Dilston house, and he will continue to collect the rents from his houses in Mowbray and Longford.


I think he’s about 24 years old.


Since his new tenants have moved in, we’ve noticed a change in the ambience of the neighbourhood.  Faintly, in the air, we can feel the thumping of the bass line from rock and roll songs.  I can’t identify exactly where the sound is coming from but as these people are the latest to move into the area, I’m prepared to name them the culprits until I hear otherwise.

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