Thursday, June 6, 2013

Friday, June 7th ....

It seems this is Post #375.  Can you believe that?  On 375 occasions, I have taken the time to write my thoughts for your edification and entertainment.  And what have I receieved in return?  A grand total of 5 comments!  That's 1 comment for each 75 posts.  What am I to make of this?  Are the posts so boring that they're not worthy of comment?  Do they leave you speechless?  Have you misunderstood the basic premise of a conversation - I talk, you talk? 

The issue becomes more confusing when I analyse which of my blogs attracted the most comment.  It was the recent one about dripping teapots, - perhaps the most mundane topic anyone could consider.  One critic asked me, 'What brought on that rant about teapots?' A potter described to me in excruciating detail how to put a spout on a pottery teapot and a serial shopper sent me this photo of a so-called dripless teapot.

I'm sorry I raised the subject!

However, to the nub of my beef. I invite you to send me your thoughts on my occasional ramblings.  You can.  You can do it within the blog by going to the 'Comments' link which follows each post and follow the prompts.  Your comment will then be available for the rest of the world to read or, at least, the handful of fellow-sufferers who access the blog from time to time.

1 comment:

  1. It could be that people just enjoy your posts. I do agree though the mechanics of a non drip tea pot spout does seem a bit over the top
