Friday, June 28, 2013

Saturday, June 29th .....

We found ourselves watching a movie last night and it was so excruciatingly bad we couldn’t take our eyes off it.  It was called Pitch Perfect and I hesitate to recommend it to anyone; however, there were some solid gold moments which saved the day.

It’s one of those spoof movies like Spinal Tap and Best in Show, which, in this case, sends up the American tradition of college a cappella groups.  There was the tension between boys’ groups and girls’ groups, and between the traditionalist and the more modern approaches.  It was tacky and full of offensive language, but it wasgood fun too.

The surprising thing was that one of the best characters was Fat Amy, played by Rebel Wilson, an Australian who is, apparently, going gang-busters in America.  She hosted the MTV Awards this year and won two Golden Popcorn statues (I can’t believe I wrote that sentence!)

At the audition for the a cappella group, she claimed to be the best singer in Tasmania,  which is not funny at all.

The music in the show was fabulous and we even enjoyed the performance of a group called Sock-appella, which performed their song with hand puppets.

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