Sunday, June 9, 2013

Monday, June 10th .....

The stats tell me that 10 people have read my last blog and I thank Cousin Gavin from Blackpool for his positive comment. I have nothing to say to the other 9.

I had an early start this morning. Marilyn and I have become volunteer drivers of the Deloraine Community Car which operates five days a week transporting locals to and from Launceston for doctors' appointments or hospital visits. This service is provided by the local council and is run by a volunteer coordinator in town. Marilyn volunteered first and I followed on. Her first day was particularly busy. The first trip left Deloraine at 7.30am and she eventually did four round trips to the city, over 400 Km. it seems that we're responsible for Mondays and Thursdays.

Today is a public holiday and we only had three passengers who go into Launceston on three days per week for dialysis. I did the first run at 7.15 and Marilyn will go back to pick them up at 1.45. I followed the Westbury car along the highway this morning and I imagine there will be cars from lots of little communities around the state doing similar runs. It's a great service.

1 comment:

  1. Do you use your own car? It's a big commitment to do 2 days per week.
