Monday, January 28, 2013

Monday, January 28th .....

We both slept well until I became aware of Marilyn wandering around the cabin. It’s 9.19, she said. One of the issues of having an inside cabin is that the sun doesn’t penetrate and evoke the primitive instinct to get up. Marilyn is reveling in the fact that she is regularly waking before me. How things have changed. I suspect things will get back to normal when we get home and the first one up makes the tea.

Everybody has left the ship again to check out the delights of Wellington. Our list of activities is not long as we want to spend a few hours reading. First call is coffee in the Lobby Bar and then Morning Trivia in Club Fusion. Again, there are only about a dozen people there and we’re invited to join a group which we call Mixed Nuts. The questions are particularly tricky but we end up winning by 1 point. It’s a mixed blessing having a group of 6 strangers. Clearly they know things that we don’t but you sometimes have to give in on answers you’re not sure about. I thought that Spain had won the World Cup but another fellow insisted it was Portugal. He also thought that Multiple Personality Disorder was one of the top three psychiatric complaints but we suspected that Depression was a better answer … and we were right. However, we still won and that’s all that matters.

We missed Carpet Bowls, Pictionary, Shuffleboard and Golf Chipping into the pool but lined up for Afternoon Tea again. We need to hurry that because there’s another Trivia challenge at 4.15. I also picked up yesterday the first sets of clues for a cruise-long Scavenger Hunt so we need to make time for that. How many lifeboats do we have? and Where is the Cruise Director from? Are just a couple of the 20 questions in Round One. Round Two wants us to collect 20 signatures from an officer with three stripes and one of the dancers, and so on. It’s starting to sound too hard.

Afternoon tea was terrific and we won the trivia – on a tie break. The tie-break question was, how long was the longest Great White Shark ever caught. None of us knew but Marilyn thought it was 33 ft. The right answer was 37 ft, we were closer, so we won. One of the other women in the team says whatever team she is in wins 90% of the time. It must be nice to be so clever.

On our last time on the Diamond, we had discovered a little bar right at the back of the ship. Being out of the way, it was quiet so we spent an hour there eating cheese and sampling wines. They serve their wines in threes, on a special rack. Marilyn had the whites, of course, and I had the reds. The feature entertainer tonight was a comedian who played spoofs of popular songs – pretty funny and well-received.

We hurried dinner to get to another Trivia event. This time they showed stills from movies with the actors removed. Our team got about half of them right but the winners had 16. Still, it was good fun. It’s 10.26 now, and we’ve had enough. We’ve eaten well, drunk some nice wines and won trivia twice. What more can you ask of life?

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