Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Tuesday, January 29th …..

In his welcome yesterday, the Captain commented that the passengers represented 39 countries and that there were more Tasmanians than might be expected. What a strange comment! We found out this morning that it was a dig at the Tasmanian bighead I mentioned earlier. It seems he has sold his house in Tassy and now lives on the ship, apparently driving everybody mad.

We were told this by the Trivia queen who claims to win 90% of the competitions. Until this cruise, she and the loudmouth were in the same team but they’ve had a falling-out and her only ambition now is to beat him. We are just pawns in her wider objective but we’re on track as we won again this morning. This woman and her husband are full-time cruisers too, having had 30 cruises last year and are currently in a four-cruise back-to-back combination. The funny thing is she doesn’t seem to answer many questions and is often wrong when she does. Doing three quizzes per day for week after week means that questions are repeated from time to time which is where she has her advantage.

This morning’s quiz was certainly the hardest yet and our team did well to get 15 out of 20. Our nearest competition was the Tasmanian and his team with 11. We’re getting quite a collection of pens, bulldog clips and mini-torches.

For a change, we went to Carpet bowls. We had a single bowl each and were knocked out. It might have taken 30 seconds to decide the winner and that was it! Anyway, the weather was, once again, beautiful so we had several walks on the deck. The ship was quieter than usual because we were docked in Picton and most of the passengers had half-day trips to the local wineries.

The afternoon quiz was at 4.15; our team is always 6 people but not always the same 6. The questions were read out by Marvin, a very camp Filipino with an appalling accent. Again, the question were not easy and I had to give in to the majority on one question which I knew was right, but we won again. That’s four times in a row and it’s not nearly as interesting as it was at the beginning.

Tonight’s show was Do You Wanna Dance which was great. The highlight was the group doing an Irish Dance which always brings the house down. One of the male singers has a great baritone voice but sports a Clark Gable moustache. It has to go.

Another great meal in the Vivaldi Restaurant, then we tried another quiz. This time it was to identify faces with some of the features blotted out. Our team had a couple of new faces, two kiwis from Wellington. We did alright, scoring 25 out of a possible 37. The winners had 32 but we were quite happy.

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