Friday, December 19, 2014

Friday, December 19, 2014

We've just come back from the TGIF Christmas Party at the Windermere Cafe, just down the road.  They serve good wine and food and it's always great to catch up with some of the locals.  Of course, we haven't been for over a year and most of the faces were unknown to us.  That's life.

I was reminded of a little bit of Australian culture which I don't particularly like.  When other people are enjoying some wine in a nice glass, there will be some who prefer a beer, but instead of using a glass in a civilized way, they suck the beverage from the bottle, like over-grown babies who can't give up their reassuring bottle of warm milk.  It's OK, I suppose, to drink from the bottle at a barbecue when everyone is standing around, but not at a polite Christmas 'do' when we're sitting around a table.

We're enjoying having Bil and Ted in the family.  They bleat when we come home and wag their tails like dogs when we go near them.  Poor old Ted is on a chain all the time and is forever in a muddle.  I can see my new job will be to sort out Ted's tangled chain.

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