Monday, May 8, 2017

Tuesday, May 9

One of the (minor) drawbacks of our new unit is that the clothes line is a little too high for Marilyn to use comfortably. I've suggested high heels and have even offered to get her a box but she is adamant that hanging out the washing is now my job.

I'm not really bothered but it is a mind-numbing job and I have to come up with ways to overcome the boredom. I tried singing, but it sets off next door's dogs, and, if I wear an iPod, the cords get tangled. In desperation I've resorted to making patterns with the pegs.

At first it was simple, matching colours so that each pair of undies looks organised, making sure that only blue pegs were used for socks, use pink pegs for Marilyn's stuff, and so on.

Then I tried mathematical patterns, like the 3 times table but have now moved on to more exotic arrangements like the Fibonacci Sequence. Using the various colours, I can set the pegs to display 1 - 1 - 2 - 3 - 5 - 8 - 13 .... The next number is 21 but I don't have enough pegs of the same colour and I can't explain to Marilyn why it's important to make a non-essential purchase like that. I'll just have to live with the frustration.

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