Friday, June 2, 2017

Saturday, June 3

I find that, as I get older, I am getting more intolerant of people who demand attention, and I'm fed up with a media which feeds their unnatural narcissism. So this week, I'm over Donald Trump (still), I'm over Schapelle Corby (again) and I'm over Margaret Court.

Like many others, when Donald Trump was elected, I tipped that he would be assassinated before too long. My jaundiced view of American society encouraged me to think that some madman would exercise his Second Amendment right to blow away someone he disagreed with. But it hasn't happened, so the only conclusion I can draw is that all the gun-toting nuts in America must be Trump supporters.

So, the torture of reading the increasingly desperate Facebook posts calling for his impeachment goes on.

Can it be true? Do I really agree with Karl Stefanovic? Apparently so, as he and I are both of a mind that Schapelle must be denied the oxygen of publicity in the hope that she will go away and let us get back our equilibrium. Fat chance! Happily, the ABC has resisted the temptation to get involved in the feeding frenzy so it remains a beacon of good sense in a .... I think I'll let that sentence find its own way home.

And, what can one say about Margaret Court? One of our greatest ever sportspeople has been bitten by the religion bug and now believes that gives her the right to attack other people, criticising them for how her God made them. Doesn't she see the contradiction in her argument? If God made BillieJean King like that, who are we to criticise? Or is Margaret one of those blinkered individuals who believes that homosexuality is a lifestyle choice? Probably, but I wish that Christians like Margaret Court would focus on the message of Jesus, Love thy Neighbour, and leave the Old Testament beliefs where they belong - in the past.

I don't think they should rename Margaret Court Arena, and I think it would be childish for players to boycott it. Margaret was outstanding in her sport and that should be applauded, but her current attempts to destroy her reputation are sad.

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