Thursday, November 2, 2017

Friday, November 3

I've complained before about finding myself on the roundabout of medical appointments, checking my diary every Sunday night to see what's on so I can plan my week.  And I've come to realise that the Government is complicit in this, inventing new programs to keep us oldies going back to the doctor over and over: bowel scan kits come through the mail, the doctor's surgery is full of signs for free 'flu shots and free shots for shingles, and the list goes on.

Marilyn had a letter the other week from a crowd called Australian Hearing, inviting her to ring for an appointment for a hearing test.  Marilyn controls the volume button on the TV remote and I had been complaining that it was getting a bit loud for my comfort, so she made the appointment.  LSS, she had some hearing loss and now has a nice little box with a pair of government-provided hearing aids.

Of course, there's always more to the story.  At her first visit she was given a card; if she recommended someone else to join up, she would get a Coles voucher.  Fantastic!  I had my test last week and, surprise, surprise, I have a slight hearing loss too.  To their credit, Australian Hearing said that I could go on as I am without aids but I would certainly get some benefit from wearing them. Not being one to refuse a free gift, I put in my order.

No money has changed hands, so where's the profit?  As eligible pensioners, we simply sign a form to signify we have been treated and Australian Hearing receives a handsome cheque from the Treasury.  For our involvement, Marilyn and I each have a pair of steam-powered Medicare hearing aids in a handsome presentation box.  I'm being cynical, influenced by too many 1950's British comedies making jokes about NHS glasses and teeth; the hearing aids we have are high-tech, not at all intrusive and very effective. Oh, and we have a Coles voucher as well.

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