Wednesday, November 20, 2019

November 21(2)

Last session of the exams this morning and Marilyn and I are supervising Electronics in a room with just 6 students: 5 boys and 1 girl.  I always like to read through the paper to see whether it makes any sense and I came across this question:

Are the R inputs on the flip-flops represented above active high or active low?

Sometimes you have to admit when you're beaten but at least I know that flip-flops are some kind of switch and not casual foorwear.

This stint of working at the exams has been a very good exercise.  Most of our sessions have been in the afternoon but even the couple of early-morning starts has not been a problem.  We've enjoyed the routine of having to be showered and dressed by a certain time and, although we're not prone to sitting around the house unwashed and in our pyjamas, it's almost like the old days when our lives were ruled by the demands of our employment.  And it is good to feel useful again.

For one reason or another, I find myself writing more and more so I've decided to re-purpose the Joy of Retirement blog as a repository or dumping ground for my random scribblings.  I like to read back on what I've had to say at various stages and, if they are of interest to anyone who happens to stumble upon them, that's a bonus.

We've decided we're going to turn some of the money we've earned this past fortnight into a short break in NSW.  It's a daft time to go anywhere near Sydney with the amount of bush-fire smoke haze over the city but we're not known for making sensible decisions.  With as bit of luck the smoke might cleared before we get there.

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