Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Tuesday, November 19(1)

Many of the gang working at these exams have been doing it for years. Most are retired teachers who enjoy the opportunity to get back in the classroom. Some yearn, no doubt, to re-live those days when they were them in their prime and ruler of their domain, monarch of their glen, king of their classroom.

There are several husband and wife teams who tell me they turn their wages into a little holiday. Of course most of the supervisors tend to be from the previous generation and their appearance and conversation reflect that.

Each day Kim, one of the coordinators, puts something on the whiteboard to spark our interest. It might be a quote or a new word or a question to be answered.  Today we were invited to say what would be our ideal car. Inspector Morse's Jaguar was one choice, Lamborghini and Maserati also appeared and so did mini! Once upon a time I might have said an MG, but today I said 'something comfortable'. I must be getting old

Although one fellow about my age has stopped developing as well.  He dresses as if he was back in the 1960s, boasts that he doesn't own a mobile phone, can't use a computer and doesn't believe in ebooks. His choice the car was 'something economical'. I haven't bought a newspaper in a decade, and when we travel we carry six devices:  two smart phones, two iPads and two ebook readers.  We might be getting old but we're still evolving.

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