Sunday, December 19, 2021

Monday, December 20


I thought it was just me but I read this morning that on-line retailers are missing out on millions of dollars worth of Christmas sales because potential customers hate having to have their shopping experience spoiled by the demand for them to provide their password.  It’s true: you find just the thing you are looking for at a great price, click the BUY button and your heart sinks when you are asked for your log-in and password.


If I could use a generic, easily remembered combination of letters and numbers, I would be reasonably happy but they always want more.  There is nothing more annoying than being told by an inanimate website that my password is inadequate.  It’s sneering taken to a new level.


I always remember the magazine ads from the 1950s featuring the sad sack who suffered from having sand kicked in his face at the beach.  ‘Face up to the bully,’ it said.  ‘Sign up for the Charles Atlas course and never have trouble with bullies again.’


Password arrogance is the new bullying but where is the 21st century equivalent of Charles Atlas to provide a solution?


I wasn’t surprised with the tone of this article.  I love Amazon and Kogan and eBay but the on-line experience is not always wonderful.  I can only imagine how much better my life would be if I could have all the wonderful things that are only available on-line if it really took just one click of a button.

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