Monday, October 24, 2011

Sunday, October 23rd …..

More food is arranged for today – we’re booked on a luncheon cruise on Lake Burley-Griffin. Dianne and Bob walk every morning but, with the best will in the world, Marilyn and I fail to wake in time to join them. It turned out to be a very lazy time and we were at the dock just in time to catch the boat.

What a great afternoon. There were a dozen of us and we had a table on the upper deck. The weather was stunning and the company was delightful. I haven’t mentioned that the Queen has been in residence in Canberra and we sailed past Government House where she is staying. She was at church this morning (with 105 invited members of the congregation) but was expected back at Gov. House by the time we sailed past. There was a bus full of media, all hoping to nail that exclusive story which would make their reputation.

The Queen is an extraordinary woman, by any measure. She came to the throne when I was in primary school and she is still going strong, while I walk around with a walking stick and soft cushion. And at her side is the Duke, 90 years old and still keeping up.

Canberra is a beautiful city and there is clearly a plan in place to maintain and improve its image. The new National Museum is fantastic, apparently not to everyone’s taste but a signature building with a memorable façade. Martin commented that it’s had a checkered history but perhaps the new director is giving it a better focus and direction.

At 2 o’clock we arrive near the water spout which, right on time, shot high into the air. Two groups of kids in pedal boats steered under the fountain so they would be wet with he spray but our captain kept us dry.

The three-course meal was great and, all in all, it was another terrific day.

Over the past few posts, I've shown photogaphs of the Nepal Party. On Friday, there was Marilyn and Dianne, and Rhonda in a pensive mood; on Saturday, there was Steve and Ann, and Beth and Trish; and today, Sue and Martin and the whole group with a couple of spouses and Dianne's sister.

The general feeling is that we should have another reunion in a year’s time, possibly in Tasmania. Some are keen to come to the Craft Fair in November so Marilyn and I have promised to think about a plan and spread the word.

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