Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Wednesday, May 31

Life's getting too complicated, isn't it.  Years ago, we signed up for FlyBuys, touted as a great way to gain points and it worked quite well for a while, Every now and again, we'd ring some number and have our points transferred to a voucher which we used for Christmas shopping.  All good!

We don't shop in the same way now.  All our major grocery shopping is done on-line and delivered to the door.  We're not buying clothes or appliances as much as we used to and we don't give Christmas presents to as many people.  So, Marilyn wants to use her accumulating points for our regular weekly shop from Coles but, do you think they make it easy to do?  Certainly not.  The procedure's not written down anywhere so you have to ring Flybuys to ask them what to do. Someone with a very strong accent answers and proceeds to gabble out the instructions in a high-pitched sing-song fashion.

Apparently, we have to open another account with something called Fly Pay and this takes another log-in name and a password not like any other we have ever used in the past four years.  If that works, we have to somehow transfer our points from Flybuys to Flypay and then from Flypay to Coles.  What a lot of rubbish!

It's not as if it's a lot of money.  It might be just a dollar or two off our weekly shop but a whole crew of employees must be tied up in managing the system and they all need to be paid.  I think the whole shemozzle is designed to frustrate the oldies in the hope they will throw their hands up and admit defeat.

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