Sunday, August 10, 2014

Sunday, August 10th ....

I've been reading The Hundred-year Old Man Who Climbed Out of the Window and Disappeared, on the recommendation of our friend, Jim, from Kangaroo Valley.  Jim's generally pretty reliable in his recommendations but I'm not sure about this one.

On the surface, it's rubbish - poorly written and with a very far-fetched story-line but, there are elements to like.  The author tries too hard to be funny but his trick of putting Allan at the centre of last century's history is pretty interesting. If you can suspend disbelief long enough to accept that Allan knew General Franco, Stalin and Herbert Einstein (Alfred's supposed half-brother) it's worth persevering.

I had another load of wood delivered yesterday and left it there hoping that it would stack itself overnight, but with no success.  It's sitting half-in and half-out of the garage at the moment and I'll stack it as the mood strikes me.  On the other hand, a load normally lasts about six weeks and I can probably live with it lying on the floor for that time if I have to.

When I re-started this blog, I hoped to avoid too much political comment but the stupidity of the last couple of weeks is too much to resist.  Eric Abetz scores two strikes for his ludicrous 'policy' of expecting people on Newstart to apply for 40 jobs a month, and his unbelievable gaffe of linking abortion and breast cancer.  George Brandis wants to keep the metadata of messages on the Internet, and he doesn't even know what it is!  And he neglected to ask the only man in cabinet who might have some idea before he went on air to display his ignorance.

And my personal favourite:  Christopher Pyne stating that women won't be affected by the increase in HECS because they won't be able to earn the high salaries like Dentists or Lawyers, for example.  If he were on top of his portfolio, or had bothered to check his facts, he would know that 58% of Dentistry graduates are women, and 61% of Law graduates.  Or does he believe that women should still be paid less than men? 

It's getting harder every day to keep up the pretence that the adults are in charge.

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