Saturday, January 8, 2022

Sunday, January 9


Jamie and Nera called in yesterday afternoon to show us Nera’s new company car. She has been promoted to a State Manager’s role and the company decided she deserved a car as part of her package.  It’s a Toyota Rav 4 and seems very comfortable.  That will make three cars in their household which seems a little over the top.


Nera normally drives a very nice Jeep Cherokee and when she mentioned she was getting a company car my mind toyed with the idea that I might inherit the Jeep.  But what do I want with a bigger car?  It will need more fuel, will take up more room in the garage and I’ll have to learn where all the different buttons are.


Anyway, we’re driving less now than we once did and I’m not so keen on long trips, so the status quo is looking quite attractive.


When we moved into our unit, I took all the boxes of memorabilia and paraphernalia from our shed and dumped it in Jamie’s garage.  He was reasonably polite about it but they have plans now to turn their garage into a studio and our stuff has to go.  Deep down, my plan was to ignore it until we passed on and then it was no longer our problem, but we’re now being pressed to do something about it.


A lot of it has already gone to the tip but, from time to time, Jamie’s courage fails him and he delivers borderline stuff to us for a decision on what to do.  Yesterday, he brought some old books.  One was an Encyclopedia I won when I was Dux of Gwynneville Primary School in 1954.  There was also a bible my Aunt Mabel gave me when we left Scotland in 1950, a bible Aunt Mabel was given on her wedding day and a bible I was given when I was in the Demolays in about 1963.  Why do we find it so hard to throw out bibles?  Is it just superstition?  Do we think we’ll be struck by lightning?


Anyway, there’s no room here for any more junk so most of it will go to the tip, never to be thought of again.

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