Saturday, February 12, 2022

Sunday, February 13


With the warm weather we’ve been having, we’re having trouble keeping up with the TV shows we like to watch.  The problem is that one or other, or both, of us drop off to sleep in the middle of the program we’re trying to watch.  Marilyn is worse than I am.  If I see her eyes closing, I’ll ask whether she’s still awake but she won’t admit that she’s nodded off.  After a while, I give up and let the program run to the end.  The next day, she’ll say that she missed the ending and we’ll have to watch it again.  That’s OK but, if I’ve seen that bit twice already, and she says she’s still not sure what’s happening, I put my foot down.


We don’t watch much free to air TV and usually dip into Acorn, or Netflix or Amazon Prime for what they offer.  That way, if we miss something, we can always come back and see it again.  And, of course, we can watch it when it suits us.  Currently, we’ve taken to turning on the TV in the middle of the afternoon which gives us the best chance of staying awake long enough to understand what’s going on.  Marilyn still watches with her eyes closed but, somehow, manages to get the gist of the program.


It's probably not much different to how I watch.  I’m uncomfortable just watching the screen and like to have a puzzle book on the go at the same time. My brain accepts that there are two things happening simultaneously and copes reasonably well. I’ve tried reading a book at the same time as watching a show, but I can’t dissociate one set of inputs from the other and become very confused.


Of course, nobody had this problem before the invention of TV so I blame John Logie Baird.  He has a lot to answer for.


It’s overcast today and a bit cooler.  Marilyn decided to check out the local Anglican church so has gone to the 9 o’clock service.  I’ve just been to collect Archie, as Jamie and Nera will be involved in their church all day.  It’s just as well for Archie’s sake that there’s one heathen in the family.

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