Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Wednesday, February 16


It was our regular Probus meeting yesterday and neither of us was very keen to go.  I had a couple of things to do there so felt obliged to turn up but Marilyn made her excuses and had the morning off.  When we first joined Probus, we enjoyed it and it’s fair to say we were part of the group which saved the Deloraine club from closing.  Now, though, we don’t look forward to the 50Km trip to Deloraine and the same old faces and same old whinges.


A small handful of members arrive early to set up the room.  I look after the PA, others put out the tables and chairs, one couple arranges the mugs and urn for morning tea.  At about 1 minute to 10, everyone else arrives, sit down and wait to be entertained.  At the end of the meeting, they shoot off to other important engagements while the same old team clears everything away.  It’s the way clubs like this operate.


At this meeting there was a letter from Probus HQ, saying they were looking for a person from Tasmania to take a senior role in the organisation, someone who could visit clubs, help out with training and generally represent the state at a national level.  One year, I remember, the woman who is retiring from the job, was not able to attend the national meeting in Parramatta and asked me if I would go in her place.  As it happened, Marilyn and I were going to the Gold Coast for a holiday that same weekend so I was happy to stop off in Sydney on the way.  It was, in fact, a very interesting experience, meeting other Probus members from all over Australia.


If the opportunity to take on this job full-time had come up three or four years ago, I would have been keen to take it on, but it’s too late now. One of our members offered to nominate me for the job but I declined; I’m enjoying my little rut and don’t want the hassle that this job would bring.  I can’t be bothered with the selfishness of some people and older people often become more stupid and more self-centred as they age. I’m glad Marilyn and I haven’t fallen into that trap.

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