Friday, July 26, 2024

Saturday, July 27

So, the Olympics is back.  We love the competition and the excitement of the events but the hype and banality of the commentators is very hard to take.  We didn't stay up to watch the opening ceremony knowing that it would be played ad nauseam in the days after and we were right.  The TV was turned on when I got up and with a bit of dial-turning we found where it was being shown.  It's been on now for nearly three hours and the same 20 minute of vision is being shown, over and over and over ....

We're not great fans of live TV and, especially, of commercial channels so we're finding it hard to deal with the harsh language of the over-excited ex-sportsmen, and the incessant commercials  Commentating is a profession like any other and only the best exponents should be chosen.  The best commentators need to have a knowledge of the sport they're talking about but also a pleasant speaking voice, a good manner and some idea of how to impart their message.  But, if they had all those attributes, they would never be employed by Channel 9.

And Lady Gaga, it's time to retire!

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